Apr 17, 2016

Omg! The Best 21 Day Challenge Ever!

Today marks my final hours of the 21 day blog challenge I challenged myself and I must say I’m so Greatful that it ends tonight! I didn’t think it was going to be this difficult but it has and it’s okay because nothing easy is learned. The reason I say it’s been difficult is because writing 1 blog per day (Monday-Sunday) can be a challenge!

We all lead busy lives, have families, chores, duties, run errands, workout, work a side job whatever it is that you do… you are always doing something and to know you have to spare an extra 1-2 hours to blog without distractions can be a doozy! I seriously have soo much respect for women who have kids (single-moms) as they have to care for their kids and work their business.

As someone who doesn’t have kids I said Oh I got this! My schedule is free however lots of things got in the way and glad I was able to travel to the woods to pet sit my sister’s kitty because I needed that downtime to get creative out in nature and get caught up in blogging. I was able to blog however the kitty “honey” was very attentive and needy and wanted time spent with her…. It’s kinda odd because cats are not this attached. Ha!

So, I’m on my last blog… Blog #21 and pretty challenged! But, hey the fact that I’m writing it means I said I would do it and I did! Prior to this challenge I would procrastinate! If we are speaking in all honesty here to speak the truth is... not sugar coating anything... Something always got in the way and would get distracted easily but now things are soo different. Yay! Si Se Puede! (Yes You CAN!)

What this challenge has taught me is that it becomes the norm when you blog a lot throughout the week, so yes friends 21 day challenges do work! I have come accustomed to write, write, write and that is all I know now. That’s a great thing. I just needed that breakthrough and I’ve found it. It’s by applying ACTION! And just doing it anyway. The fact that it was a challenge is what made me just do it!

And now my question to you is…. Do you struggle with procrastination? It’s been said that diligence is the mother to success! I suggest you do a 21 day challenge on any part of your life that you are struggling with. Is it to release anything? Then take baby steps one day at a time for 21 days. As you get into day 13 you will start noticing your on a roll and the rest gets easier however know at the end you will probably get tempted to quit and that is when you have to push harder like what I’ve done now.

So that’s it Peeps! Hope you all have enjoyed my blogs and look forward to more blogs as I have decided to write 3-4 blogs a week! (I’m shooting for 3 blogs but 4 is my number this year so I might do 4!) ha! :)


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