Aug 25, 2016

Why A Phoenix Rises From The Ashes And What Can We All Learn...

When I first heard my sis needed a cat sitter out in the mountains for a week and asked me if I can help her out I said Yes! I need to get away from the city anyways and need a much needed rest out in nature J  Little did I know it was about to become a fiery situation! I don’t watch the news if I need to hear the latest and greatest I just log into facebook :)

So, the plan was to be in the San Bernadino Mountains for a week and prior to leaving my brother texts me and tells me “Did you hear about the fires in the mountains?” I said seriously? Texted my sister and she said yes but it’s not near where they live… I could of said No, I can’t cat sit due to "fear" but I didn’t let it get to me and when I agree to something I follow through...

I had already planned on traveling to the mountains and was so excited that I had post it in every social media platform. One thing I learned is not everybody shares your happiness and we need to know when to curve our enthusiasm as others can’t or have the same opportunities to do this due to work, money or other situations…

The odd thing is that the week prior I heard Joel Osteen talk about walking through the fire... Could it been a message I needed to hear as I would be walking through it? Not sure! But the message really helped me prepare for what would occur in the mountains. I’ve never encountered anything like it and fear got to me a little when my sis drew a map and plan how to evacuate should it be required (the kitty and I)

Joel Osteen Quotes On Being Fireproof :)

I was struggling with mindset as all I kept hearing was the fires and how fast it was spreading like wildfires and only 6% contained. Only 6%? Yikes! It had already arrived partly in Lake Arrowhead, CA which is super close to Crestline. So what do I do? I pray and read about fear and how to overcome darts of fire. I started to have an AHA! moment because not so recently I was dunked in water as a commitment to God and was told the enemy is not happy so stay alert! Awareness is key.

When we have overcome a spiritual warfare it shoots darts of fire like vengeance! But knowing me I prayed and asked God to release his angels north, south, east and west. I’m a passionately prayer warrior and when I pray it’s game on! 

I knew it was a battle of the mind. They say “Character reveals adversity” and I was tested alright! So, I had to replace thoughts of fear with faith and knowing that this too shall pass. Focusing on the outcome and expecting nothing but a successful outcome not for me but for the kitty, our community, neighborhood and the wildlife.

So how did I overcome thoughts of fear with faith? I JUST DID. There was no other choice. Just as a child doesn’t think about fear they continue to play with their toys, puzzles I had to keep focusing on the things I wanted to bring to pass. And so we were pretty adventurers (my sister and friends)  we decided to visit Arrowhead Lake even though there were fires… The lake and mansions we seen were not targeted at that time and we had an enjoyable time and made sure my focus was solely on what my LIFE would be living in the lake with boats and mansion with elevators.

Here are some pics of the Beautiful Mansions with elevators and Lake View In Arrowhead. :)

When you change your environment and surround yourself around beauty it helps a lot! 


I believe the media can exaggerate and so we must remain grounded. Keep doing what your suppose to do and don’t let fear get to you. Don’t freeze. GREATFUL!  the fires didn’t effect us whatsoever but it did to other communities in the mountains. The firemen did an amazing job containing it pretty quick the following day.  Good thing I am home now and it’s such a relief to be near the ocean.  

It’s said we have more negative than positive thoughts and so we must work hard in replacing negativity with positivity. What you focus on grows. I really believe if it wasn’t for praying and without a doubt thinking positive who knows the outcome…

Fire or Rain…. Just Go Through! 

It’s Acceleration And Growth Time!


Laura :)