Apr 11, 2016

Are Vacays Needed?

This past weekend I went on vacation to pet sit my sister’s and brother in-law’s cat named “Honey” She is adorable and loving. Hence the name “Honey” and I am her buzz! :-)

As I spent my time there I was able to find balance and look within, meditate, pray, eat balanced meals, hike in nature and enjoy the rain. Not only did I really enjoy my time alone but on sunday got to spend it with my sis and brother in law in church service and the message was pretty inspiring. Many have different beliefs and this blog is not to change anyone’s beliefs but to share thoughts I got inspired by.

Lots of times we find excuses as to why we can’t do something or get caught up why our plans are not perfect.... and if they're not we are not moving... 

And sunday’s message was simply that we can’t wait or find an excuse as to why we can’t do something we have talents for. For example needing proof of education, a bachelor degree, special education, special training, years of experience etc…

It really spoke to my heart because I used to think if I have more education then I can land a better job, a better career when in fact today it doesn’t matter as much as before. In the book of Corinthians (Chapter 3) it asks us Do we pat ourselves on the back, insisting on our credentials, asserting our authority? We don’t need letters of endorsement, either to you or from you. You yourselves are all the endorsements you need.

Your very lives are a letter that anyone can read by just looking at you. God himself wrote it not with ink but with God’s living spirit, not chiseled into stone, but carved into human lives and we publish it. We couldn’t be more sure of ourselves than YOU, written by God are our letter of recommendation. We wouldn’t think of writing this kind of letter about ourselves Only God can write such a letter.

His letter authorizes us to help carry out this new plan of action. The plan wasn’t written out with ink on paper, with pages and pages of legal footnotes, killing your spirit. His life on our lives.

An excerpt was given of “Paul” in the bible and he was teaching to the people and other’s also wanted to teach and had credentials and were presenting them yet when Paul was asked what about his credentials he stated he didn’t need to show any credentials as God’s endorsement was enough. He didn’t think highly of himself, he was confident in his abilities, experience and talents God breathed into him. No paper proof was needed.

And so I ask had any idea, career goal, plan stopped you from pursuing it because the competition seems pretty thick? Because you may feel lacking experience? Or better yet comparisons robbing you of your joy or confidence? Think again….

As a (student for life) I love to learn and open to opportunities when they are presented to me. Before I thought I’d have to have formal education to land a great job! I found out the hard way I didn’t need it but I can say it’s an addition to what I’ve learned and can use it with my coaching practice. I completed a 6 month coaching/leadership class and although it didn’t land me the job I wanted and more education was required on top of that and college education I wonder would I be kicking myself for listening. Would I be happy at that job with all the education needed? Probably not. Not fond of 9-5 job and it would have been foolish to accept the offer after all the education. When I found out Enterpreneurs were coaching online in social media where all the eyeballs are at and with no credentials whatsoever however they’ve mastered social media that’s when a lightbulb appeared!

See, we don’t need further education. You can learn as you go! Make mistakes, dust yourself and get back up. You adapt as you go. If someone wants to see my certificate I would be more than happy to upload it but there is no need to do it. God is sufficient in my life and the only credential needed not a piece of paper that states I’m worthy to teach or coach.

Reason why I was fired up about this subject was because I was asked from (my motivators) to prove credentials for my teaching which I never did because as a Catalyst I know better. This is what inspired me about this subject. Had I known this earlier on I would of responded correctly but God has timing for everything and now I know.

So when it comes down to it titles are pretty impressive but ultimately it's the results behind the title. If your just starting out its understandable not to be a one hit wonder (it will take consistency & time) but if you've held a title for years & no results it's time to get real!

Lift the Veil Friends :)

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