Apr 9, 2016

An Exclusive Tip For You! :)

What happens when you hear the words "Power Position?"  Do you automatically think Leadership? In charge? Independent? As John C. Maxwell writes

"Leaders have the ability to help people see the light. Leaders have hope and in order to Lead you must be open not closed" (Quote) 

When you think of an open door do you automatically assume "Open For Business?"  Well you should and I will tell you why...

I learned from Kate Northrup (Enterpreneur, Author, Speaker) about the concept of leaving your door open when it comes to opportunities. Décor matters. Cute décor matters however powerful décor is game changing! I will explain a little further in hope it  can help anyone with limiting opportunities or feeling stuck. 

Question? How is your desk aligned? Is it facing the wall? Is it facing a stereo? Is it facing a window? Do you have your back towards the door? All of this matters and this is the secret sauce many don't know and wonder why they can't attract opportunities. If your good with your business, job, career, hobby ect… then by all means this is not a blog for you to read (just being real)


If you feel stuck and would like to attract opportunities you are in control of then continue reading my friends :) See, when I started to apply "Your Power Position" in my career things started happening… I began to attract plenty of opportunities only dilemma was choosing the right opportunity (That is something that can't be taught but acted upon you only)

So, how does this work you might say? Well first of all it starts with creating plenty of space and by that I mean opening your front door from your office and facing looking out. Sit with your back against the wall. When you do this, you are in your power position to make decisions, to be in control, ect… and who doesn’t want that?

Here is a throwback video that I created months ago (pay no mind to shameless plug!) :) The point of this video is to share how I've created my office decor. It is very different now I have new dark cherry wood furniture and flower plants and frames but still have my red carpet which I love! :) 

Anyhow, there it is! That is the secret sauce to being more open to opportunities, relationships, friendships... We can never have that many friends right? 


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