Oct 29, 2016

Little Known Facts About Gratitude And Why They Matter

I started to go within and seek out questions about where my life is at this current moment and where it's been and I must say it's been a roller coaster of a ride!

This blog is simply to say THANK YOU! to the people that have supported me and continue to support me in my endeavors. I'm a "Solopreneur" and even though we get to work by ourselves and make our own choices how to go about our business I can't help but to thank each and everyone. It's through the amazing people we have in our lives that we feel we can climb heights! :)

A couple of years ago my life was very different and I have to pinch myself right now as we speak not because I have it all figured out or because I'm a Millionaire but because life would of went totally the opposite direction. When we are at our weakest is when we need God, our families, friends, neighbors, pets etc... in our lives to strengthen us.

This blog is to each and every person that has walked into my life and hold a special meaning in my heart. Every favor, assistance, helping hand, advice has been of great service to me. Strangers become friends and friends become family and it only gets better from here on out.

Thank your family, friends, acquaintances that have helped you be where you are at right now as a token of appreciation. I sincerely have heart for each and everyone.

I've said it before not many females would of made it this far however I do understand indeed I'm a strong female and the support is greatly appreciated.

I used to work as a longshoreman (woman) at the dangerous Ports Of Los Angeles/Long Beach for 10 years. I was blessed to not get hurt while I was working down there but I've seen many injuries and heard of heartbreaking injuries as well. 

And as I think what I've done to make good money $$$ I don't regret it. I was able to learn Leadership skills which is valuable in today's life. When I think about what I had to go through just to work out in the docks I shake my head. I must of really wanted that job really bad as I was willing to do anything to get in there. I was picked through a lottery pool drawing and just because you get chosen does not mean your in. You still have to go through rigorous testing and a written math test. Ugh math! (I passed though) :)

Talk about hunger games! 

Container lashing poles secured 

Never had I experienced anything quite like it. My body was not prepared for it and got injured as I thought I was ready for the test. Boy was I wrong! Had to train to pass the test and at that time had just arrived from Phoenix, AZ needed a job and money was something I lacked. I remember my family helping me in getting steel toe shoes to 20 lb heavy arm bell weights. I practiced daily to have enough upper strength to take the test. It really helped a lot but the test was still difficult.

Have you ever been criticized or someone not believing in you that you have what it takes to do a job? 

Well I remember as I was taking this rigorous test 2 powerful men in HQ were watching us and one said Oh, she is not going to do it! too slow!  We only had 13 minutes to hang ridiculous heavy bars a set of 10 I believe. Not sure the number as it's been a while but there were plenty of bars.

As soon as I heard the man say that something in me FIRED ME UP! and gave me the strength to go hard! In my mind I was saying Oh, I'll show you! It was soo weird as I haven't experienced anything like it. The body is amazing! When it's provoked it switches into survival mode! :) 

I proved them wrong and I passed the test and their face was priceless ha! :)  I still can't believe what I did but that's part of working for a blue-collar job that pays well. That has been the hardest thing I've ever done physically! There are some guys/men that couldn't pass the test but were able to re-take the test. It's all about physical endurance.

And so in order to achieve my goals which were to pass all 3 tests to be officially a casual longshoreman I had to have my family's support in which they did and I am very GREATFUL! :)

What are you Greatful for today? Did you overcome a challenge and had people cheering you on? 

Think about those things. It's in those times that we are thankful and greatful to be alive! :) 

Had it not been for my special people I would not be here writing this blog and for that I am full of Love. XOXO! 

With Much Love

Sep 2, 2016

It's tough to have Bey's Legs but it's far easier to have surefire killer legs you can be proud of

This has been such a significant year for all of us from celebrities passing away to transformations.  A couple of months ago I landed in the emergency room and that was my wake up call! My healthy lifestyle was not moving forward but backwards. Work came first and I remember when this happened I was working on my 21 day blog challenge.  It was pretty ambitious of me to try to write 21 blog posts in 21 days including saturdays and sundays! 

I mean who really has time to blog in the weekends? 

  We all lead busy lives and some of us have families to take care of  but to blog too? I feel for the woman that is doing it all on her own. The single mother.  Running a business from home is not easy. Blogging takes up a lot of time but it’s worth it at the end because your sharing value and inspiring others. 

"You can't motivate, but you can Inspire" - Laura Ramos

A little about this quote is you can't motivate. It comes from the word motives. You have motives, people have motives everyone has them and it's like an Ox. Imagine trying to motivate an Ox that won't get up? However you can "inspire". When you inspire others it's a call to ACTION something needs to be done through inspiration. (in-spirit) and there is no need to motivate. Willingly they will get up. 

So, when I pretty much hit rock bottom in the hospital bed and was informed by the doctor I need to change my lifestyle of indulgent to a healthier lifestyle that is when everything changed for me.  I was given recipes how to eat healthier and what exercises I can do now.  When I drew a line in the sand and said no more over indulging and signed up at my local gym (YMCA) which has everything  I need from zumba classes to spin classes to TRX to swimming and water aerobics to the sauna I said  where do I sign up!

One of my best investments have been signing up for GYM membership as I practically live there.   I work out 4-5 days a week. My tip is find out what you love and do it consistently. I am a Zumba lover as I love to dance and my goal is to have long, lean & strong legs. I've been told I got legs! But, I think I got more like soccer legs and thus it motivates me to work out more and always look forward to zumba class!

At our last zumba class in honor of Juan Gabriel (rest in peace) we danced one of my favorite songs. "el noa noa" which means celebrate more, dance more at the club. He will be missed.  

I’ve lost 12 lbs over the time of 2 months.  I signed up for membership the 1st week of July and ever since then  I’m pretty much obsessed!  The good obsession J  Losing weight at the beginning is not easy it’s actually difficult as you have to start out by detoxing and cleaning out your system. 

I found a great tea which I don't endorse or market I just heard about it via television informercials and recently seen it at "CVS". It's called Dr. Ming Chinese Tea Price: $14.00 it's made up of natural chinese herbs and works wonders! :) 

Check out tea below in case you'd like to try it. It's not inexpensive but then again I've purchased tea's for $40.00 (a month supply) and this is a good bet to start off. 

Once you detox for about a week you can start eating sensibly but just like anything before you start any program or doing it on your own check in with your doctor. Just thought I'd drop that disclaimer.

80/20 rule states you eat 80% and 20% workout. (Any type of movement) to lose weight. 

Here is a picture of  Laura Ramos and her starting body weight. This is a lifestyle I plan to have for a very long time and expect to transform my body within the next 90 days. Will be adding tips and what's working for me as we speak :)

July/August "Before"

And as I end this vlog my goal is to have long lean strong legs. What I call killer legs! How will I do it? By dancing zumba, running on trendmill, leg machine presses, walking, hiking, eating healthy and limiting my sweets. 

My go to sweets are now "kiwis" which are good for your face too! It's a vitamic C powerhouse which helps you look more vibrant and youthful! :)

Shine On! :)
Laura Ramos XOXO

Aug 25, 2016

Why A Phoenix Rises From The Ashes And What Can We All Learn...

When I first heard my sis needed a cat sitter out in the mountains for a week and asked me if I can help her out I said Yes! I need to get away from the city anyways and need a much needed rest out in nature J  Little did I know it was about to become a fiery situation! I don’t watch the news if I need to hear the latest and greatest I just log into facebook :)

So, the plan was to be in the San Bernadino Mountains for a week and prior to leaving my brother texts me and tells me “Did you hear about the fires in the mountains?” I said seriously? Texted my sister and she said yes but it’s not near where they live… I could of said No, I can’t cat sit due to "fear" but I didn’t let it get to me and when I agree to something I follow through...

I had already planned on traveling to the mountains and was so excited that I had post it in every social media platform. One thing I learned is not everybody shares your happiness and we need to know when to curve our enthusiasm as others can’t or have the same opportunities to do this due to work, money or other situations…

The odd thing is that the week prior I heard Joel Osteen talk about walking through the fire... Could it been a message I needed to hear as I would be walking through it? Not sure! But the message really helped me prepare for what would occur in the mountains. I’ve never encountered anything like it and fear got to me a little when my sis drew a map and plan how to evacuate should it be required (the kitty and I)

Joel Osteen Quotes On Being Fireproof :)

I was struggling with mindset as all I kept hearing was the fires and how fast it was spreading like wildfires and only 6% contained. Only 6%? Yikes! It had already arrived partly in Lake Arrowhead, CA which is super close to Crestline. So what do I do? I pray and read about fear and how to overcome darts of fire. I started to have an AHA! moment because not so recently I was dunked in water as a commitment to God and was told the enemy is not happy so stay alert! Awareness is key.

When we have overcome a spiritual warfare it shoots darts of fire like vengeance! But knowing me I prayed and asked God to release his angels north, south, east and west. I’m a passionately prayer warrior and when I pray it’s game on! 

I knew it was a battle of the mind. They say “Character reveals adversity” and I was tested alright! So, I had to replace thoughts of fear with faith and knowing that this too shall pass. Focusing on the outcome and expecting nothing but a successful outcome not for me but for the kitty, our community, neighborhood and the wildlife.

So how did I overcome thoughts of fear with faith? I JUST DID. There was no other choice. Just as a child doesn’t think about fear they continue to play with their toys, puzzles I had to keep focusing on the things I wanted to bring to pass. And so we were pretty adventurers (my sister and friends)  we decided to visit Arrowhead Lake even though there were fires… The lake and mansions we seen were not targeted at that time and we had an enjoyable time and made sure my focus was solely on what my LIFE would be living in the lake with boats and mansion with elevators.

Here are some pics of the Beautiful Mansions with elevators and Lake View In Arrowhead. :)

When you change your environment and surround yourself around beauty it helps a lot! 


I believe the media can exaggerate and so we must remain grounded. Keep doing what your suppose to do and don’t let fear get to you. Don’t freeze. GREATFUL!  the fires didn’t effect us whatsoever but it did to other communities in the mountains. The firemen did an amazing job containing it pretty quick the following day.  Good thing I am home now and it’s such a relief to be near the ocean.  

It’s said we have more negative than positive thoughts and so we must work hard in replacing negativity with positivity. What you focus on grows. I really believe if it wasn’t for praying and without a doubt thinking positive who knows the outcome…

Fire or Rain…. Just Go Through! 

It’s Acceleration And Growth Time!


Laura :)

Jul 7, 2016

If Cupcakes are bad why do they make organic cute ones?

Where are my cupcake lova lovas?

I'm writing on today's blog my favorite cupcake spot in our town San Pedro called "With Love Bakery!"  Happen to pay a visit this past week at the farmer's market in our town. There are many things I loved about this really cute place from the decor to the creamy fluffy organic cupcakes but what I loved most was getting to know the owner of the place. 

She is really down to earth, humble and friendly. As I entered her cupcake shop just as any curious person would be I looked around and asked her questions. We had a sweet conversation how her business began and it all started from working at the farmer's market. Now she has her own business and sells cakes, cupcakes and pastries. 

Chocolate Salted Caramel Cupcake <3

 I bought this yummy cupcake and in all honesty I'm not really a salty person I'm very into sweet cupcakes but as my mouth devoured into this luscious chocolateeee creamy organic cupcake I was sold! It was fluffy not really too sweet just perfect! The cream gave me a mustache and had fun licking it and laughing! I kept telling Chef Alyssa Van De Vort the owner how amazing these cupcakes were! You just know when it's a great cupcake and when it's not! :)

Cute Pink Decor 
Loved the cute pink decor from chandeliers to LOVE signs everywhere inside the shop. From a branding perspective I would classify her cupcake business a PASSION business. It's warm, friendly, welcoming, smells yummy, fashionable, happy and loving. At a young age Alyssa fell in love with baking and spent lots of quality time with her parents in the kitchen. She experienced the loss of her father and baking became her grieved outlet. She is very open and super friendly. Love that! <3

As we chatted I asked her if it's busy and just as any new business it starts slow and picks up as time goes by. Many people stop by while shopping at the farmer's market and today is 1st Thursday Art Walk in DTSP (Downtown San Pedro) and for those that are curious in tasting yummy cupcakes they are open from 9-8pm! Food trucks arrive at 6pm however her shop is open earlier for business. 

I feel really confident her business will do well. The cakes are soo cute and baked with the finest organic ingredients of highest quality. As I got to know more about her business and clientele she mentioned while hollywood was filming "Live By Night" with Ben Affleck, Sienna Miller, Zoe Saldana and crew they were busy as they were filming across from the bakery shop. One of the crews bought dozens and dozens of cupcakes especially after he found out Alyssa's father worked in the entertainment industry as an employee. 

I thought that was cool! :)  

Last pic of Minnie Mouse Baby Shower Cake... Vanilla Cake, Italian Butter Cream and Fresh Strawberries inside!  Take a Look! :)  Is it cute or what?!

Minnie Mouse Baby Cake 

So, there ya have it! Give some love to her shop if your in the area of San Pedro. To know more about her cupcakes, pastries, breads, cakes....  Click Here For Cupcake Love


To your sweetness
Laura Ramos <3

Jun 22, 2016

Everyone Loves Charity Trips And Fun! :)


Last week I attended XANADU Sunset Mission Trip at The Catalina Classic Cruises along The Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA. It was such an amazing experience like no other! Happy people from all over join this fun 3 hour cruise to view the sunsets, meet new people, bond, dance, learn, sing, celebrate along the seas, enjoy nature and learn some yoga moves. I met some people traveling from San Diego to attend the trip which was pretty cool :)

What I've learned was how dangerous plastics are. Can we completely get rid of them? I don't think we can. We drink from them, eat from them daily without even knowing it. While at this trip I became aware of how sick you can get from just drinking from plastic water bottles and so forth.... It can deplete your body, make you infertile, low energy etc... Also BPA free is not safe either. #7 is the most dangerous.
"When you purchase a drinking bottle take a look at the bottom to see what BPA it has.. if it's a 7 get rid of it"! 

I love what XANADU represents. A healthy lifestyle and for a great cause! Not only are sunset trips  super fun but it's a time to un-wind from all the stresses in life, responsibilities, and just enjoy a sunday funday trip!

Would I take another trip? You bet! Why not.... they are soo much fun! I can say as I returned back from the sunset trip I was a totally different person than when I entered the boat. Didn't know what to expect but knew it was going to be FUN! The energy was crazy beautiful! Beautiful people dancing or just hanging out on the 3rd deck viewing sunsets. My heart was HAPPY! XOXOXO

============================  CAUSE =====================================

Each ticket sold goes towards supporting our Xanadu Coastal Cleanups, a movement for plastic free seas. Take action in being responsible for the waste we put out by bringing your own reusable cup or water bottle and let's work together to say no to single use plastics.


If anyone is interested in charities and making a difference and having fun meeting people take a look at video I had previously shared on social media. There will be one more trip in July an all white party celebration (dress code enforced) suitable for sunset cruises

Will post in social media event as it get closer or you can always add TheXanaduLife on facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/1669092860005379/ 


Jun 7, 2016

'I really shouldn't but I will anyway"

           The Language of relationship

What makes the PASSION advantage and where are these passionate people at?

Passion makes our hearts beat and our emotions rise. It excites us and encourages. It cheerleads and plays. It inspires us and intoxicates us. It flirts. When you communicate with passion you make people feel like they can do more, be more and become more. 

People that effectively speak the language of relationships, on some level other people will fall in love with you! XOXOXO

Does your brand inspire and motivate others to connect with you?

A PASSION brand is; 

  • EXPRESSIVE (vivid words, colors and images)
  • OPTOMISTIC ( are the "life is good" brands. They bring out the best by how good things can be, making us want to jump with both feet)
  • SENSORY (engages with our senses)
  • WARM  (passion brands wrap us up in warm blankets and serves us hot cocoa)
  • SOCIAL (these brands make us want to share and participate in conversations)

On a personal level I'm a PASSION Advantage and use the word "Wow' a lot when I find out something exciting! I use hand signals when speaking, colorful words and action. It's difficult to not be expressive or engaging when your passionate it's as if it's in your blood. 

One prime example of passion is Marilyn Monroe! She communicated with openness. Her voice was soft, feminine and very whispering. She was known as the "wet voice". When we see something we want to eat, when we receive praise, and even when we hug our children, our mouths literally water. Our mouths produce more saliva. Our tongue moves more fluidly within the mucous membranes of our mouth creating oral wetness. (Page 91 Fascinate Book 2016) 

So, where would you find these passionate people? At sport games, traveling, eating, amusement parks, concerts, clubs.... 

Who are they? They wear clothing with hearts or the word "LOVE" they love hershey kisses chocolates, they love to laugh, dance, sing, take selfies, joke around, excite you, surprise you, they are creative and put lust before logic. 

On the less positive side: Passionate peeps attract stalkers, obsession from others, are seen egotistical, immature, child-like...

Your GOAL is to attract fanatical fans and pull your audience closer. (Marketing) turn transactions into attraction! 

In a nutshell these are some traits of the PASSION Brand and how to distinguish it or them. 

Desire how to use the trigger passion in your business to attract loyal fans? Go to http://laurapreneur.onlinesalespro.com/businessinquiry77

To your relationships <3

May 1, 2016

Mental Illness Is Not A Choice, But Recovery Is...

May  is Mental Health Awareness Month and was inspired to write a blog on what it means to live this illness.  I don't speak by experience however it exists as I've seen family members go through this ordeal of pain and have also volunteered along and worked with mental ill patients in my community.

It happens to everyone. Mental illness knows no  age limit, economic status, race, creed, colors or celebrity status. It doesn't make a difference it happens to all. When I worked as a volunteer for The San Pedro Mental Health Center in my community couldn't understand what happens with the mind as they lead their daily lives and wanted to know more.... this is when I studied "Life Coaching" and "Leader Intership" and received by certification by Harvard PHD Medical School 3 years ago.

I figured helping the ill would make our community a better thriving city however it involved  a lot of hard work... more than I anticipated and I was already working a business from home which took my time away. You need to also learn how to not get too involved in the process as it can affect your life. It became draining to me because I've also dealt with it in my family. 

This is a touchy subject as I haven't come forward speaking of this in itself within my family however we must be authentic as it can help others heal, seek help and know they are not alone. The dilemma is not doing anything about it and thinking it will go away. IT won't go away. 

One of the things people need to understand about mental illness is that we can be clueless as to how to deal with it. I've caught myself as well not knowing how to deal with it when others go through this and how to help... However maybe we can ask "Help me to understand what your going through?" "What's going through your mind?"  

We've heard lots of celebrities that also endure this illness. Some of the greatest Leaders and Celebrities are the following:

  • Robin Williams (Rest In Peace)
  • Demi Lovato
  • Catherine Zeta Jones
  • Emma Thompson
  • Jim Carrey
  • JK Rowling
  • John Nash
  • Beethoven
  • Winston Churchill
  • Charles Dickens
  • Abe Lincoln
Whether it's bipolar, depression, schizophrenia, paranoia, anxiety... they all derive from mental illness and to not seek therapy or counseling is very unwise! Majority of  times medication will be prescribed however I a a firm believer of healing the mind with a higher power. To me that is God (Jesus Christ) 

Not pushing religion on anyone - (Just thought I'd throw it out there)
There is one things in common that I've found with mental illness people and that is that they are incredibly intelligent. They have great memory, are the most profound mathematicians... Although I was considered a whiz kid (I don't fall into that category)  As a matter of fact I couldn't stand Math! Worse subject ever that I failed over and over again ha! (Just being real!) 

Ever seen the movie "A Beautiful Mind" starring Russell Crow? 

It was based on the life of "John Nash" a nobel in economics. A mathematical genius, he made an astonishing discovery early in his career and stood at the brink of international acclaim but the handsome and arrogant Nash soon found himself on a painful journey of self-discovery. 

That movie was crazy! You didn't know what was real and what happens with a person that suffers this illness. Movies are incredible because they depict real life stories of what people go through and helps us understand a little more of what they go through in life. Another movie similar was "What's eating Gilbert Grape" Anyone remembers? Starring Johnny Depp and Leo DiCaprio (oldies but goodies)

And the reason I write this blog is to share this month's awareness and to be REAL. It takes guts to be real but it takes more guts to accept help and seek recovery.  Recovery takes time and if you suffer from it and unable to function in your daily activities my suggestion is to seek therapy. If it's too expensive research programs in your neighborhood. Medi-cal can be accepted or your own private insurance... But seek HELP! As it won't simply go away... 

"End The Stigma"

Apr 26, 2016

Super Fun & Creative Way To Be Greatful :)

"Gratitude Is The Best Attitude"
 Are you running into serendipities? Signs? Awe moments? If not pay attention to your surroundings. I love to be out in nature and lead a balanced life and when this happens I tend run into animals, signs, amazing moments. Today I seen a hummingbird on some purple flowers and had to say awe! How cuuute! It flew by the time my phone was about to snap a selfie ha!

Yesterday and today noticed lots of signs very good ones so I'm thinking were going to have a great week full of them if you have haven't experienced them maybe you should head out in nature and notice the stillness, the wind, the sun, the rays, flowers, animals and be Greatful for the simple things we often take for granted and not pay much attention to! :)

At the beginning of 2016 read somewhere in social media about a really cool project you can do to feel more greatful. Not only is it creatively fun but trains your mind to feel greatful and focus within rather than what we lack or comparisons. I do it daily in the mornings and intend to have it filled by the end of the year. I've included in this vlog the jar which I decorated and as you can tell it's filling up! Yay! :)

Laura has many things to be greatful for especially after recovering from very bad stomach pains I had recently endured that landed me in the ER. Not a happy camper! I'm good now though thank GOD! :)  Life is precious and last time I take it for granted! And so I'm greatful for starting over, turning a new leaf and getting my body back in shape.

Creating this gratitude jar really helps! :) You can buy any clear jar as the reason for it being clear is to notice the gratitude papers inside crumpled or folded. At the end of the year you can read each one and see how you lead a greatful year and many reasons to be greatful for :) It's super easy, super simple and super duper fun! :)

It doesn't matter how you apply gratitude whether a journal, a blog, social media or a jar like this one! What matters is your putting it out  and being grateful for the small things is sexy! 

"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.

Take a look at the video I did for a little more info on the jar and how fun it can be!

Apr 24, 2016

What Does God Say You Are & Why It Matters... :)

There is a quote I read in my devotionals today that said...

“Be more concerned with what God thinks about you than what people think about you”

 And when I read it I knew I was going to have one of those days! Your valued to God as a Princess or Prince. Was up early drinking my coffee as usual. Cinnamon dark coffee + cinnamon creamer. (Yummy!)

And as I read about a story of a person mentioning one hour is only 4% of a day I was interested in knowing more about it. It’s a story of a woman putting more effort into prayer time by applying 4% of her time when she heard someone talk about this subject. She was determined to try it! Kinda reminds me of my recent 21 day blog challenge I was so determined to complete! Done! 

Rather than trying to fit prayer into her schedule she decided to “fix” a prayer time, and then “fit” the rest of her day around it. Her kids were old enough to travel to school alone and by 8:30 a.m. each morning her house was quiet as a mouse.  A hush fell over her home. She knew this was her best prayer time. To guard antee she was uninterrupted, she made it knows to the ladies in her group that except emergencies, she would be greatful if people didn’t call her until after 9:00 a.m. in the morning.

To her surprise no one was offended instead they responded very positively. Several other women began to follow her example by setting aside the same hour to pray every day.

When we seek God’s plan first, all our plans with other people will have a way of falling into place. 

And so I ask when we have standards and confidence in ourselves by setting priorities as to what we have time for and what we don’t…. people will respect us for it and therefore we will be successful knowing it was a win/win.

This devotional helped me to understand my day even further. I wasn’t expecting to have a breakthrough day but I did! Some reality checks were hard to swallow however it was for the good. It’s difficult  to notice anything bad turning good but you must be able to discern this as that is when you become wise and follow your “gut” and not what others think or believe you should do.

My day started out productive and started by setting priorities. I may not have kids but sometimes it just feels that way. Being the oldest child comes with responsibilities even after your 21 however little by little step by step I’m releasing old responsibilities that I shouldn’t have. Some may think it’s selfish but in reality it’s not. It’s selfish not to self-care yourself.

So I had a family meeting and I’m laying down the cards on the table.  I will do this and that and release this and that. It felt pretty good saying it as it was soo unexpected of others to hear. What made me say this? Well, there comes a time when you have to put yourself first and leave responsibilities to others. I have to remind myself I’m not “Cammy” You know the cartoon character of streetfighter! (video games) Yak!

And so after headed to the ER because I needed to get checked what was up with my Gut! It’s been acting up for the past 3 days and the pain persists and won’t go away. It just totally screwed me up. I was this different person. A person lacking energy, yawning a lot, gaining weight. I looked in the mirror and said “What is going on Laura?” This is not you! See we all have intuition to discern when we are at our best and when we are not and I sure haven’t been feeling great. And so I kick rocks! (literately)

I had several tests run on me such as a pregnancy test (really?)  they insisted and according to the triage nurse. What revealed was the culprit of my laziness, weight gain and pain was found in an ultra sound. It hurted as she rubbed my stomach with gel and a computer handle joystick and said Crap! looking at the computer myself and watch her take notes.

So, I have gallstones! 3 small ones that are still. Not moving anywhere they are just sitting there however they can grow in size and move around if I don’t care for my body and therefore a change of LIFESTYLE is expected of me. The thought of becoming vegan came to mind as that is when I was at my healthiest and my gut was regular, my skin was glowing, hair was shiny and felt energized.

The fact of knowing you have rocks in your tummy is just so wrong in many ways and not healthy. I’ve known lots of people that have had these rocks removed successfully. In and out they are out of the hospital however one sad case I also know of a surgery going totally wrong! My cousin’s wife died and had a painful journey in the hospital due to being botched to remove the rocks. I don’t even want to think of it as thoughts are things and remaining positive about my outcome when I get surgery however need to do my diligence and not go based on their advice. Apparently I should go to a county hospital and get in line to see when surgeon is available. There is a waiting list as they only do surgeries to people with big insurance companies well known that will qualify them to use their hospital.  This is why it's soo important to have really good insurance! 

I've decided not to follow that advice and research a more experienced hospital with non med students performing surgeries even though it's not a big deal of a surgery but anything can go wrong and I'm not putting my body in the hands on non-experienced MD's. 

For some reason though I was not feeling too comfortable after I met several nurses and I wouldn’t want to stay overnight. One had an opinion about my birth date and would I of been born an earlier day in March I probably would have been treated very different and this is a catholic hospital? Should I feel lucky I was a late march baby? The energy that day was soo off... thank God no surgery was performed I probably wouldn't be writing this blog! Whew!! I don’t know but that’s the day I was born the day God breathed in me and blessed me with talents. It was just soo unexpected to hear comments like Whew! Good thing you’re a late one! One thing came to mind…. Weirdoooos! 

And this is why I write this blog because it’s not what people see you as when it comes who you are due to your birth date. I can go more further on this subject as it goes really deep but I won’t. You can’t be opinionated on someone’s birth date just because. Everyone is different and not all the same based on birthdays. 

So, I end this blog with the thought of listening to what God says about YOU not what others say because if you knew what God says you would be smiling like I am :) See, I know I am a child of God and he sees me as his precious princess just as any father would feel for his kid. When kids get hurt, in pain the father rescues the kid well the same goes to our heavenly father. 

 Cheers to MILES stones! :)

Apr 17, 2016

Omg! The Best 21 Day Challenge Ever!

Today marks my final hours of the 21 day blog challenge I challenged myself and I must say I’m so Greatful that it ends tonight! I didn’t think it was going to be this difficult but it has and it’s okay because nothing easy is learned. The reason I say it’s been difficult is because writing 1 blog per day (Monday-Sunday) can be a challenge!

We all lead busy lives, have families, chores, duties, run errands, workout, work a side job whatever it is that you do… you are always doing something and to know you have to spare an extra 1-2 hours to blog without distractions can be a doozy! I seriously have soo much respect for women who have kids (single-moms) as they have to care for their kids and work their business.

As someone who doesn’t have kids I said Oh I got this! My schedule is free however lots of things got in the way and glad I was able to travel to the woods to pet sit my sister’s kitty because I needed that downtime to get creative out in nature and get caught up in blogging. I was able to blog however the kitty “honey” was very attentive and needy and wanted time spent with her…. It’s kinda odd because cats are not this attached. Ha!

So, I’m on my last blog… Blog #21 and pretty challenged! But, hey the fact that I’m writing it means I said I would do it and I did! Prior to this challenge I would procrastinate! If we are speaking in all honesty here to speak the truth is... not sugar coating anything... Something always got in the way and would get distracted easily but now things are soo different. Yay! Si Se Puede! (Yes You CAN!)

What this challenge has taught me is that it becomes the norm when you blog a lot throughout the week, so yes friends 21 day challenges do work! I have come accustomed to write, write, write and that is all I know now. That’s a great thing. I just needed that breakthrough and I’ve found it. It’s by applying ACTION! And just doing it anyway. The fact that it was a challenge is what made me just do it!

And now my question to you is…. Do you struggle with procrastination? It’s been said that diligence is the mother to success! I suggest you do a 21 day challenge on any part of your life that you are struggling with. Is it to release anything? Then take baby steps one day at a time for 21 days. As you get into day 13 you will start noticing your on a roll and the rest gets easier however know at the end you will probably get tempted to quit and that is when you have to push harder like what I’ve done now.

So that’s it Peeps! Hope you all have enjoyed my blogs and look forward to more blogs as I have decided to write 3-4 blogs a week! (I’m shooting for 3 blogs but 4 is my number this year so I might do 4!) ha! :)


What Do Stars Do To Be Happy... :)

Wikipedia defines "Celebrities"  as fame and public attention in the media, usually applied to a person, group of people (celebrity couple, family, etc.), or, occasionally, to animals. 

Celebrity status is often associated with wealth (commonly referred to as fame and fortune) and fame can often provide opportunities to make money.
Successful careers in sports and entertainment are commonly associated with celebrity status; political leaders often become celebrities. People may also become celebrities due to media attention for their lifestyle, wealth, or controversial actions, or for their connection to a famous person.

I began to research what celebrities do to stay happy as they are like all of us only difference is they have more chi-ching! And this is what I found and you will see your not any different. We are all people and next time you see one... don't be star-struck (note to self) ha! 

  • 1) THEY FOLLOW THEIR PASSION - it takes nerve to do what you love! They’ve done just that and show what can happen when you commit to a dream the rest of the world thinks your crazy. They don't quit or let others get in the way of their goals
  • 2) THEY DEFINE THEIR OWN SIGNATURE STYLE - forget the trend du jouivez. Enduring icons develop their own unique style and identity. Think of your all time idol. Chances are she can claim a signature look or defining fashion statement.
  • 3) THEY TAKE RISKS- Whatever its playing an unexpected role, experimenting with a new hairstyle or speaking up about controversial issues, trendsetters have the courage to put themselves out there
  • 4) THEY ARE GREATFUL - The benefits of cultivating gratitude are endless.  Being thankful opens doors, enhances self-esteem and improves emotional mental and physical states.
  • 5) THEY FIND INSPIRATION IN OTHERS-Why go it alone? Mentors offer guidance and support professionally and personally. Models are admired because they recognize the importance of asking for help.
  • 6) THEY KEEP IT POSITIVE - They are optomistic, root for themselves, live in the present and understand the importance of self-care, our most admired stars approach their goals holistically from all angles and find balance in work, family and play (One star comes to mind: Gwyneth Paltrow)

These are pretty good traits we can also follow as our self-care matters and should be a priority in our lives. When we inspire others, take risks, define our own style, keep it positive and most importantly follow our passions we can be unstoppable! 

Have a great one! 

Don't Be Fooled By Horses, They Lack Confidence Too... Read How...

Many times we don’t always have Confidence in our abilities to our work, project, assignment, mission etc…. and so I think what separate confidence v’s insecurities? I’ve been on both sides and I can attest that as we speak I am in confident mode. When you are passionate about what your doing you are confident. When you have a purpose you are confident. You know where you are moving towards... Just like horses...

Horses are very similar like humans. They pout and smile just like us. They also need to be trained and coached to built up their confidence. They were not born with it it's trained. They have a social life and have a rich communication with their eyes, their movement, their mouth and so on... And so I wondered how do they appear with great stamina and energy to do their work which is run races...


It brings me to the analogy of the"GPS" If you are driving without a GPS trying to find an address what happens?  Imagine yourself being in a different city and not able to find your way. You will feel lost, insecured, nervous… Geez! I speak for myself as I had recently was on a mini vacay in the woods of Big Bear County. I was pet sitting for “honey” my sister and brother in law’s kitty (meow meow) and completely got lost trying to find my way back home.

Even if I had GPS I would not be able to find it. The streets were very dark and with lots of swirls and wide turns. But prayer worked and lots of affirmations telling myself “You got this!” Had to train my brain to and keep repeating myself Your there, your there your there and then lower the music in the car ha! Why do we do that? Why do we lower the music when we are lost or trying to find an address? (Million Dollar Question?)

As soon as I reached the cabin I knew I found the place and was able to breathe and thank God for guiding me into safety. I even had to call my sister but somehow knew she was not able to help me and I was right, she couldn’t help me so it was just me, God and dark roads to nowhere!

I started to feel confident as soon as I was reaching  home. Just got in time to feed the kitty and rest assured that even if you feel lost you will find your way around as long as you don’t give up. You have to keep going and don’t stop! It's usually towards the end that people give up when it comes to their aspirations, goals, ideas.... 

My question to you is “What Do You Have Total Confidence In? Everyone has talents some might be creative, artistic, some may sing, act, some may do missions, charity work, philanthropy work… You don’t have to be born with that talent you can discover it while doing something else. Some are born to speak, influence, lead while others are comfortable following, getting taught and growing

To find something your confident in you have to believe in it first! What are you passionate about? Find that! The skills will come after because you will be so in love with it by achieving results that you will completely forget about the skills or money. It will come believe me! It always does when you love what you do! What fires you up? Find that!

And so I end this blog with one of my all time favorite quotes:

Have A Great One!