May 1, 2016

Mental Illness Is Not A Choice, But Recovery Is...

May  is Mental Health Awareness Month and was inspired to write a blog on what it means to live this illness.  I don't speak by experience however it exists as I've seen family members go through this ordeal of pain and have also volunteered along and worked with mental ill patients in my community.

It happens to everyone. Mental illness knows no  age limit, economic status, race, creed, colors or celebrity status. It doesn't make a difference it happens to all. When I worked as a volunteer for The San Pedro Mental Health Center in my community couldn't understand what happens with the mind as they lead their daily lives and wanted to know more.... this is when I studied "Life Coaching" and "Leader Intership" and received by certification by Harvard PHD Medical School 3 years ago.

I figured helping the ill would make our community a better thriving city however it involved  a lot of hard work... more than I anticipated and I was already working a business from home which took my time away. You need to also learn how to not get too involved in the process as it can affect your life. It became draining to me because I've also dealt with it in my family. 

This is a touchy subject as I haven't come forward speaking of this in itself within my family however we must be authentic as it can help others heal, seek help and know they are not alone. The dilemma is not doing anything about it and thinking it will go away. IT won't go away. 

One of the things people need to understand about mental illness is that we can be clueless as to how to deal with it. I've caught myself as well not knowing how to deal with it when others go through this and how to help... However maybe we can ask "Help me to understand what your going through?" "What's going through your mind?"  

We've heard lots of celebrities that also endure this illness. Some of the greatest Leaders and Celebrities are the following:

  • Robin Williams (Rest In Peace)
  • Demi Lovato
  • Catherine Zeta Jones
  • Emma Thompson
  • Jim Carrey
  • JK Rowling
  • John Nash
  • Beethoven
  • Winston Churchill
  • Charles Dickens
  • Abe Lincoln
Whether it's bipolar, depression, schizophrenia, paranoia, anxiety... they all derive from mental illness and to not seek therapy or counseling is very unwise! Majority of  times medication will be prescribed however I a a firm believer of healing the mind with a higher power. To me that is God (Jesus Christ) 

Not pushing religion on anyone - (Just thought I'd throw it out there)
There is one things in common that I've found with mental illness people and that is that they are incredibly intelligent. They have great memory, are the most profound mathematicians... Although I was considered a whiz kid (I don't fall into that category)  As a matter of fact I couldn't stand Math! Worse subject ever that I failed over and over again ha! (Just being real!) 

Ever seen the movie "A Beautiful Mind" starring Russell Crow? 

It was based on the life of "John Nash" a nobel in economics. A mathematical genius, he made an astonishing discovery early in his career and stood at the brink of international acclaim but the handsome and arrogant Nash soon found himself on a painful journey of self-discovery. 

That movie was crazy! You didn't know what was real and what happens with a person that suffers this illness. Movies are incredible because they depict real life stories of what people go through and helps us understand a little more of what they go through in life. Another movie similar was "What's eating Gilbert Grape" Anyone remembers? Starring Johnny Depp and Leo DiCaprio (oldies but goodies)

And the reason I write this blog is to share this month's awareness and to be REAL. It takes guts to be real but it takes more guts to accept help and seek recovery.  Recovery takes time and if you suffer from it and unable to function in your daily activities my suggestion is to seek therapy. If it's too expensive research programs in your neighborhood. Medi-cal can be accepted or your own private insurance... But seek HELP! As it won't simply go away... 

"End The Stigma"

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