Mar 30, 2016

Being A Rockstar In Your Industry Is A Matter Of Giving


Was doing some research on the meaning of giving and stumbled upon a video from Tony Robbins on giving and how transformation happens when you give. Also read prior to becoming a multi-millionaire, speaker, coach, motivator.... he experienced major setbacks such as living with scarcity of food and reason why now he gives to food banks to help the needy.

What can Tony Robbins teach us today?  When you focus on just what you are getting and not giving is when you need to change. He challenges you to make your life a masterpiece. He challenges you to join the ranks of those people who live what they teach, who walk their talk.

I love to get inspired and reading these stories get me fired up because they show you in life you don't have to be born with a silver spoon but the opposite. See many times we see successful people and think they were born into it when in fact in order to get where they are at it took lots of sacrifice, strength, perseverance and a ton of passion which Tony Robbins doesn't lack I might add! :)

The more you give the more you receive. Some of the most wealthiest people have one thing in common they GIVE. Why? Because they are always giving. Think Bill Gates. Some may lose businesses or fail in business but as soon as it was lost they gain it back one way or other and then you wonder how did they do that? How were they able to purchase a large home? a luxurious car? A nice expensive watch? Nice alligator shoes or red bottom heels? Yes these are all material things however the point is there is seldom lack.

From what I can remember I've always been giving due to my upbringing. Was I always like this or did I have a generous gene? No. As a kid I was sort of selfish and as I grew up my mom raised me to be selfless, giving and that is when it was ingrained in me and wanted to give to people. I noticed the more I gave the more I got. Charity does not always come in the form of money but advice, value, time etc... :)

And so now that I am older (as the oldest child in my family) I've always been responsible for helping my peers and siblings and neighbors. This is why I volunteered in my community, politics, became a philantropist, give back to charities and desire to one day open my own non-profit sometime in the future. (God willing) There is nothing more full filling then to give but you must have it in you to give.

I love to promote charity events as it's a form of giving. 3 years ago I ran the L.A. Marathon (26.5 miles) from Los Angeles to Santa Monica Pier. It was challenging however I did it with passion and a happy heart for the kids. What kept me going was my WHY!  Had I not been running for a charity and know kids were depending on me I must say I'd probably would not of ran unless I wanted to challenge myself but in this case it was not about me but about the kids

There is a special charity coming up and reason why I am writing this blog post as well. It's our 1st Annual Corazon De Vida Golf Charity Tournament in partnership with Kingdom Coalition for Kids. Take a look at the video below of the event and anyone interested in attending, avid golfers, athletes can attend and have dinner. Tickets are available at:

Check Out Corazon De Vida Golf Video! By the way just received news celebrities will be attending. If you enjoy networking this is an event not to miss! You never know what one person can lead you to another and another and another.... Connections! :)

Have a great day! :)

Mar 22, 2016

Self-Worth Is Crucial To Your Business. Learn Why!

 Everyone at one time or another go through self-esteem, lacking self-worth, not enough or place of judgement. I believe it happens to the best of us. The dilemma is not in staying in this emotion but in moving to a better place. What I call "Confidence". True Love is loving yourself and when you love yourself enough you are unstoppable! You can do pretty much anything because your belief is so strong that nothing can come in between what you love which is yourself. 

People follow people they desire to do business with and if you are not perceived as confident, loving, self-assured and notice an ounce of lack of self-worth, no confidence, lack of transparency they will not follow you or venture out with you, do business with you, network, etc.... We definitely are what we attract. Rather than sacrificing yourself, raise your value to attract. 

One of my favorite quotes is "Life Is A Journey, Not A Destination"  

Because life is really a  journey you go through. Ups and downs, detours, hardships and breakthroughs... it's not arriving to your destination within the next 15 minutes. GPS systems were built to get from point A to point B and to reach destination takes instructions or you will end up on the wrong side of the highway. 

 Many times we judge ourselves where we are today and that pressure can lead into anxiety, depression, lack of self-worth and perfection. How do you act when your in anxiety? You can bottle yourself up and not open up, avoid people, panic etc... (just some symptoms) Many also suffer from anxiety due to not knowing what to do with their lives. When we are not sure where we are going in life, not having a plan or direction we can fall into "anxiety" 

How can you ease up? First of all release the idea that where you are in life is wrong or bad or it's not serving you in any way. It's serving you otherwise you wouldn't be learning from your experiences. Stop judging yourself. Say to yourself "I stop judging myself for being where I am and feeling how I feel". Messy, confused, afraid... I love myself as I am. 

A pattern I've noticed lately is too many people compare themselves to others. It always has been around however it's been more aggressive lately in social media. People comparing they don't have the house, money, the perfect relationship (male/female), the friends, perfect family, success.... Let me break it down gently and save you some grief.... We don't live in a perfect world everyone lacks in one area or other, anyone can be more talented, better looking, thinner, intellectual, successful etc... 

And even though self-worth is crucial to your business because it's how you are seen and people are people... they will judge you based on perceptions it's not your business to know what people think of you. Just keep getting better, wiser, educated and raise your value to attract what you desire. If you desire to attract heavy hitters, famous people it will not be by sacrificing yourself but raising your belief you are enough. You are worthy. You are a Million Bucks! 

"Miracles happen, when shift in perception happens"

Laura :)