Jun 7, 2016

'I really shouldn't but I will anyway"

           The Language of relationship

What makes the PASSION advantage and where are these passionate people at?

Passion makes our hearts beat and our emotions rise. It excites us and encourages. It cheerleads and plays. It inspires us and intoxicates us. It flirts. When you communicate with passion you make people feel like they can do more, be more and become more. 

People that effectively speak the language of relationships, on some level other people will fall in love with you! XOXOXO

Does your brand inspire and motivate others to connect with you?

A PASSION brand is; 

  • EXPRESSIVE (vivid words, colors and images)
  • OPTOMISTIC ( are the "life is good" brands. They bring out the best by how good things can be, making us want to jump with both feet)
  • SENSORY (engages with our senses)
  • WARM  (passion brands wrap us up in warm blankets and serves us hot cocoa)
  • SOCIAL (these brands make us want to share and participate in conversations)

On a personal level I'm a PASSION Advantage and use the word "Wow' a lot when I find out something exciting! I use hand signals when speaking, colorful words and action. It's difficult to not be expressive or engaging when your passionate it's as if it's in your blood. 

One prime example of passion is Marilyn Monroe! She communicated with openness. Her voice was soft, feminine and very whispering. She was known as the "wet voice". When we see something we want to eat, when we receive praise, and even when we hug our children, our mouths literally water. Our mouths produce more saliva. Our tongue moves more fluidly within the mucous membranes of our mouth creating oral wetness. (Page 91 Fascinate Book 2016) 

So, where would you find these passionate people? At sport games, traveling, eating, amusement parks, concerts, clubs.... 

Who are they? They wear clothing with hearts or the word "LOVE" they love hershey kisses chocolates, they love to laugh, dance, sing, take selfies, joke around, excite you, surprise you, they are creative and put lust before logic. 

On the less positive side: Passionate peeps attract stalkers, obsession from others, are seen egotistical, immature, child-like...

Your GOAL is to attract fanatical fans and pull your audience closer. (Marketing) turn transactions into attraction! 

In a nutshell these are some traits of the PASSION Brand and how to distinguish it or them. 

Desire how to use the trigger passion in your business to attract loyal fans? Go to http://laurapreneur.onlinesalespro.com/businessinquiry77

To your relationships <3


Unknown said...

Great blog girl...
Keep up the good work!

Follow me too! bucketlistandbarefoot.com

Laura Ramos said...

Thank you Cindy! :-) Your sweet. Just subscribed to your blogs girl XO