Feb 22, 2016

Balancing Your Life With Ease Is A Necessity To Rock Out In 2016!

What are you sacrificing?

Hiya! :)

Sharing with everyone a quote I loved hearing today from Kate Northrup (Money Love Coach) how raising your value v's sacrificing your life to attract more is the way to go when it comes to attracting or repelling. 

See Life is not really complicated at all it just takes a couple of tweaks to attract the right circle, the right people who will lift your life, inspire you, help you be better and motivate you this is why I love to inspire.

The word INSPIRE comes from the divine. From God. Higher source than yourself. It's downloaded information for you to share with the world.... now it's up to you if you share it or not... 

Many hold on to information for lack of scarcity or because it's going to be stolen or for whatever mindset blockage people have.  What I've learned is the more you GIVE the more you RECEIVE.

Have you ever asked yourself why people attract certain type of people and others attract another group of people? It's a matter of how you feel about yourself. I consider myself a confident female who loves the spotlight and shine. I love to interact with people, engage, story tell, laugh and learn. The people I attract are the same way.

When your in sacrificial mode your working really hard for something not worth it. I'm a hard worker don't get me wrong but I much rather work in ease rather than work like a horse. 

The reason I say this is because I've worked very hard for the past 10 years and it didn't get me anywhere close that I wanted but a weekly paycheck every week. What I can say is that it taught me to have thick skin and a trait needed in a world where everyone tries to pigeon hole you in a box.

Try to contain me in a box and I  will lift the lid every time. That's how I view life :)

So to end this blog post ask yourself this question... Are you working super hard to the point of exhaustion and extreme and for what? Is it the money? Is it due to ego? Are you in comparison mode? bigger? better? more? 

Know that wealth knows no scarcity. There is lots to go around for everyone and it's not ending. The government, the world, the president... is not putting a stop. It's infinite what you can do and how much you can earn the dilemma is how hard are you working at the detriment of your body?

Peeps, balance your life at least once a week. I've been reading lots of posts on social media how people are not feeling well and lethargic with no energy or enthusiasm. If you have to take a day off, travel or do something enjoyable without having to work hard then do it! :) 

I speak by experience because as Enterpreneurs we know even if we are enjoying a day off we are in constant communication with others while traveling, at events, networking... it's just part of life however do it as a form of connecting and not as a full time job.

Enjoy Life To Your Fullest!


 If I'm not attracting the same then perhaps it's a lesson to learn  You must know when to exit and must discern that is not what you want to attract.


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